Bobs Bitters Cardamon, 100ml
Peychauds Bitters,148ml
With its history in apothecary Peychaud’s Bitters has a strong authentic flavour which was originally dispensed as a medicinal tonic. Of course, the signature cocktail with Peychaud’s is the Sazerac but the subtle yet spicy flavour makes it a great choice for a wide range of cocktails from Old Fashioned to Whiskey Sours and the overriding flavour in each sip is aromatic cloves. Known as a great all-rounder Peychaud’s can be mixed with virtually anything to create a complex flavour profile.
Bobs Bitters Ginger, 100ml
Suze Aperitif , 70cl
Angostura Orange Bitters, 100ml
Go back in time to the downright dirty history of the American speakeasy and you’ll find Angostura Orange bitters in a huge number of different drinks. Rising to prominence during prohibition many classic cocktails simplyaren’t complete without a shot of Angostura Orange. A classic example of bitters, one of the few that survived US Prohibition, flavours of orange and geranium are most prominent followed by spicy cardamom and coriander. Shake into your Martini, your Manhattan or even a classic Champagne cocktail.
Fee Bros Celery, 150ml
Fee Bros Orange Bitters , 150ml
Haymans Old Tom, 70cl
An original family recipe lives on in Hayman’s Old Tom. Clean and fresh in its flavours with a history dating back to the 1860s, Old Tom uses the same ten botanicals it always has. It stands out from others in the Hayman’s collection due to the intensity of the botanicals within and the addition of sugar for sweetness. Juniper and orange zest work together to introduce the drink and by the end you’ll be enjoying cracked black pepper in a clean, long finish.