Gerry's Heart of Soho

At Gerry's Wines and Spirits we pride ourselves in stocking the UK's largest selection of spirits and liqueurs. Over the years, our store in the centre of London's vibrant Soho has become famous for being something of an Aladdin's Cave of rare, weird and wonderful examples of the distiller's art.

The Gerry's Team

Michael Kyprianou

Gerry's founder. Michael opened the shop in 1985 and hasn't looked back since. He is an encyclopaedia of knowledge on Wines and Spirits and an absolute West End Legend.

Favoured Flavour

Wines and Liqueurs.


He founded Gerry’s ! Enough said.

Allen Daly

Allen is Head Honcho and has been with the shop for nearly 30 years. He’s seen more booze brands come and go than most of us have had hot dinners and is responsible for all things Gerry’s. Being Michael’s original apprentice and manager of Gerry’s there really isn’t much he doesn’t know about booze.

Favoured Flavour

Rum and tequila.


Wines and spirits, roast dinners, disco, doing deals and bad jokes.


Vince Hopwood

Vince is Allen’s partner-in-crime and has been at Gerry’s for around about the same sort of time. He’s responsible for all things aesthetic and internet-orientated and works closely with Allen on selecting new, weird and wonderful products for the shop. His love of red wine is relentless as is his passion for collecting spirits from around the globe with reptiles inside them.

Favoured Flavour

Red wine, rum and roast parsnips.


Wines and spirits, travelling, bass and banjo, riding motorbikes and long involved stories.


Founder of Back Bar Brands, Andy has been with the shop for ten years. He specialises in new, up and coming brands and comes from a strong sales and marketing background. If there’s an exciting product on the horizon its Andy’s job to find it before anyone else does.

Favoured Flavour

Rum, tequila and vodka.


Wines and spirits, supporting Arsenal, drinking and psychology.

Wines and spirits, guitars, singing and dancing, reading and politics.

Join Us


Marcus is our in house gin and wine aficionado. He has eons of experience in the wine and spirits trade and has been working at Gerry’s for three years. He is a leading authority on Dub Reggae and gin and is responsible for specialist sales and customer account management.

Favoured Flavour

Gin, rum and wine.


Wines and spirits, dog walking, collecting vinyl and working the wheels of steel. Being tall.