Bulleit Bourbon, 70cl
Fee Bros Cherry, 150ml
Peychauds Bitters,148ml
With its history in apothecary Peychaud’s Bitters has a strong authentic flavour which was originally dispensed as a medicinal tonic. Of course, the signature cocktail with Peychaud’s is the Sazerac but the subtle yet spicy flavour makes it a great choice for a wide range of cocktails from Old Fashioned to Whiskey Sours and the overriding flavour in each sip is aromatic cloves. Known as a great all-rounder Peychaud’s can be mixed with virtually anything to create a complex flavour profile.
Regans No6 Orange Bitters , 148ml
Angostura Bitters, 200ml
Combining the same classic ingredients for nearly 200 years, Angostura bitters are a key ingredient in many famous cocktails, often paired with gin and rum to great effect. Despite the name, its flavour is not bitter at all, with the strong aromatic flavour, powerful with gentian and spices. Many cocktails simply wouldn’t be the same without a dash or two of Angostura bitters and it’s the complex herbaceous nature of the product which allows it to offer additional depth and dimension to cocktails.
Fee Bros Aztec Chocolate, 150ml
the Pickle House SPICED TOMATO MIX , 75cl
Luxardo Maraschino, 70cl
Monin Triple Sec 25% , 70cl
A classic Triple Sec which allows you to add the tempting Curacao flavour without any of the recognisable blue or orange hues. Monin Triple Sec is the perfect tool for the cocktail maestro who wants to keep those bittersweet orange flavours hidden. This liqueur has an aromatic bitter curacao nose and a flavour which is reach in the same bitterness as well as sugary sweetness which brings out the tang of the Curacao oranges.