Bulleit Bourbon, 70cl
Black Cow Milk Vodka , 70cl
Luxardo Maraschino, 70cl
Four Roses Original , 70cl
Four Roses Original is one of the most popular offerings from the Four Roses collection and is considered a bar essential for many cocktail maestros. Sophisticated and smooth hints of pear and llow Labeapple come through alongside floral aromas and a flavour which is deep in honey and spice. Its soft finish is simply begging to be mixed in with other flavours to create cocktails of real class and refinement.
Haymans London Dry, 70cl
Grahams Fine White Port, 75cl
Monin Orgeat (Almond), 70cl
Martell Cognac VS, 70cl
An iconic name in cognac, Martell has been producing quality bottles since 1715. Using sweet grapes from the Borderies region of Cognac, it has a naturally nutty flavour which stands out against others in its class. Regularly served with sweet ginger, tonic or simply on its own in a classic brandy balloon flavours of wood and spice stand out with lighter notes of citrus, pear and decadent saffron following after.