Stones Ginger Wine , 70cl
Punt e Mes , 75cl
Peychauds Bitters,148ml
With its history in apothecary Peychaud’s Bitters has a strong authentic flavour which was originally dispensed as a medicinal tonic. Of course, the signature cocktail with Peychaud’s is the Sazerac but the subtle yet spicy flavour makes it a great choice for a wide range of cocktails from Old Fashioned to Whiskey Sours and the overriding flavour in each sip is aromatic cloves. Known as a great all-rounder Peychaud’s can be mixed with virtually anything to create a complex flavour profile.
Monin Mango Syrup (Mangue), 70cl
Courvoisier VS, 70cl
The drink which kept Napoleon Bonaparte sated during his exile, so legend tells us, the classic taste of Courvoisier VS remains popular today. One of the most enjoyed cognacs in the world it has a smooth, highly potable flavour and as it’s lighter than others in its class, it has great versatility. Whether it’s your after dinner drink or you use it for your light summer punches, Courvoisier VS remains mellow and offers flavours of toffee, orange and even coffee.
Koniks Tail Vodka, 70cl
One of the best Vodkas in Europe at the moment with a release of just 4,000 bottles per year. Complex and dense body; starts with soft sweet winter wheat followed by a nutty note and finally a complex dryness that flaunts the rye with a peppery note on the end. Tremendous stuff. DO NOT FREEZE THIS VODKA . It's too damn good.
& full of character....The distiller is so dedicated to this product that he will camp out in the grain fields to ensure the correct ripeness.... Ps. Can I have my sleeping bag back ?Lanique Rose Petal Vodka, 70cl
Wild Turkey 101, 70cl
Bushmills Malt 10yr, 70cl
Bulleit Rye, 70cl
The expert distillers at Bulleit offer us their sweet and fruity Rye offering, adding even more rye into the mix than their traditional bourbon. Bulleit Rye has a mashbill of 95% rye and just 5% malted barley and is produced in small batches, allowing the flavour to really bloom. The nose is awash with sweet cherries and classic vanilla and on the palate you’ll enjoy an intense heat that mellows into a mesh of peaches, cherries, cinnamon and orange zest. A smoky finish is just what’s needed to show a bourbon of true class.