Baileys, 5cl
The Original Irish Cream Liqueur, Baileys is a flavour which is known around the globe. The world’s number one liqueur for good reason, Baileys Irish Cream offers the perfect balance between specially selected Irish whisky and fresh dairy cream. Hints of cocoa and vanilla come through offering a sweet dessert drink which, when served with crushed ice, is one you’ll want to fill up again and again. It’s also a complete necessity for a classic Irish coffee and a wonderful nightcap.
Marques de Murrieta Rioja Reserva, 75cl
Ruby colored, with a bouquet of cedar, leather, tobacco, spice box, and blackberry. Medium-bodied, nicely balanced, and succulent.
Hennessy VSOP, 70cl
With regal beginnings, Hennessy VSOP is inspired by a cognac produced on request of the future King of England, George IV. With a reputation built over centuries of enjoyment Hennessy VSOP has a well-structured andbalanced flavour, full of fruits and aromatic notes. Soft spices such as vanilla, clove and cinnamon work together and warm toasted notes follow thanks to the maturation of the drink in oak barrels.
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Sancerre Aurore Dezat, 75cl
Sancerre Dezat
Pale yellow with the distinctive citrus notes and an acidulous touch. The palate is ample, fruity, crisp and well balanced. h.
Don Papa Rum 7 yr , 70cl
Don Papa Rum was first created in 2012 and made it to the UK two years later. Distilled in small batches from sugar cane grown on the Philippines island of Negros and aged in American oak for 7 years. This is packed with vanilla flavours and a hint of spice.
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Bulleit Bourbon 10 yr, 70cl
The long awaited followup to Bulleit's regular bourbon and rye whiskies - a 10 year old bourbon. Fantastically balanced, with great controlled sweetness, and a backbone of oak and spice.
Titos Texas Vodka, 70cl
Tito's Texas Vodka is a popular Vodka available from Asda Groceries in 70cl to buy online. Visit Asda Groceries for the best price for 70cl of Tito's Handmade Vodka or compare prices on our other Vodka products. Created by Tito Beveridge, a geologist from Texas with a background in oil drilling and the mortgage business, this characterful vodka is made from 100% corn and is therefore naturally gluten-free. Produced in Austin at Texas first and oldest legal distillery, it is micro-distilled by batch 6 times in an old fashioned pot still, a much more complicated and difficult technique to the usual modern column stills.
Clase Azul Reposado , 70cl * instore collection only
An unbelievably good Reposado tequila, made from Organic agaves which are grown for over 9 years before slow cooking in traditional ovens. The fermentation is done using the company's secret blend of yeasts, and then comes distillation followed by triple filtration. It is aged in very fine oak barrels, and is bottled in these tall, handsome decanters which are hand-painted and numbered by local artisans. Clase Azul's incredible Reposado has been awarded Gold medals by the Beverage Testing Institute and the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.