Dubonnet Aperitif, 75cl
J & B Rare, 70cl
J&B Rare is Europe’s most famous Scotch whisky, one of the most popular ones on the market. Blending together 42 different whiskies the flavour is a wonderfully nutty combination of sweetness and spice. Berry fruits, sweetshop fruit salad and caramel blend together with an oak-spiced warmth bringing each sip to a rounded finish. There’s a good reason this whisky is so popular, it’s smoothness on the palate and wonderful warmth.
Beefeater Gin, 70cl
Luxardo Aperitivo Italiano , 70cl
Sipsmiths Gin, 70cl
A traditional gin distilled in Hammersmith, Sipsmith’s brings together ingredients from around the world. Its juniper is Macedonian, its coriander Bulgarian and its almonds and liquorice are sourced from Spain. This is just the beginning and this genuine London distilled one shot gin bursts with clean and woody flavours which are both satisfying and tempting. Juniper and coriander take centre stage in the traditional gin and zesty citrus comes through later with a hint of spice. Liquorice comes through in a final flourish and lingers in the mouth.
Goslings Black Seal, 70cl
Filfar Orange Liqueur , 50cl
Iseo Triple Sec, 70cl
Cotswolds Gin, 70cl
El Dorado 8yr, 70cl
One of the younger offerings from El Dorado, this blend made of rums of a minimum of 8 years old is sweetly spicy and thick with molasses and toffee flavours. There’s a festive feel to this rum, with Christmas cake spices working together to create a strong and enjoyable flavour. Honeyed vanilla, toffee and butterscotch are rich on the palate with syrupy orange marmalade coming through too, creating a rich and enjoyable rum which is perfect when enjoyed neat or with mixers.