Grey Goose, 70cl
Santa Eleni Prosecco, 75cl
Crisp, fruity, its taste is reminiscent of the fragrance of a fruit cocktail made with apples. This particular fruity sparkling wine is the result of natural fermentation in autoclaves.
Bacardi, 70cl
Setting the standard in white rum, Bacardi is known worldwide. In 1862 it became the world’s first premium aged white rum and using charcoal filtration was key to its original development. Bacardi is a necessity for many world famous cocktails and without we’d not have the classic Daiquiri, the Mojito or the Cuba Libre. Smooth and gentle on the palate it’s wonderful however you choose to mix it and offers a taste of Cuba which can’t be compared.
Patron Silver, 70cl
Moet & Chandon Brut NV, 75cl
Lively and generous, Brut Imperial distinguishes itself by a bright fruitiness, a seductive palate and an elegant maturity, that continually seduce and delight. The colour is an elegant golden straw yellow with green highlights. Its aromas are radiant, revealing bright white-fleshed fruits (apple, pear, white peach), citrus fruits (lemon), floral nuances (lime blossom) and elegant blond notes (brioche and fresh nuts).
Aperol Aperitivo, 70cl
Italian housewife business! Sweet Rhubarb and grapefruit jelly and marmalade on toast followed by slightly bitter berries. It begs for Prosecco.
Finlandia Vodka, 70cl
Campari Bitters, 70cl
Lillet Blanc, 75cl
Classic French aperitif. Waves of honeyed tropical fruit and glace cherries with smashed sauvignon grapes and floral notes. Starts out sweet and moves into a dry zesty almost zingy finish.