Ciroc, 70cl
Absolut Vodka , 70cl
Louis Roederer Cristal Vintage, 75cl
Brilliant yellow with fine bubbles. Intense and delicate, honey, cocoa, lightly toasted hazelnuts and candied citrus fruit aromas. Silky, concentrated texture, under pinned by an intense, powerful and vinous structure, but retaining its elegance. A fresh finish.
Amaro Montenegro, 70cl
Ace of Spades NV, 75cl instore only
Texture is deliciously creamy and the palate has great depth and impact with a long and silky finish. A superb and singular example of a Prestige Champagne.
Absolut Citron, 70cl
Absolut Mandarin, 70cl
Smirnoff Red, 1.5lt
The one that started it all! Pepper and pepprmint notes start up upon entry. These move aside as a clean sweetness takes over and then finishes with white pepper and a faint yet recognizable licqourice ending. Classic little number that we've all done time with.
Ciroc Apple, 70cl
Bollinger Grande Anee Vintage, 75cl
Bollinger La Grande Annee is much more than a simple vintage. It is the interpretation of an outstanding grape harvest, which resulted in a wine worthy of continuing the tradition of the Maison’s prestigious great vintages. During these special years, grapes from Grands and Premiers Crus are vinified and the blend reveals a beautiful harmony that embodies the intuition felt at the moment of the grape harvest.
Call or Email for current vintag.